Roman History Study Guide
[hide]The Formation of Rome
The Roman Republic
- What were the causes of the Second Punic War
- What were the impact of the military reforms of Marius on Rome?
- What was the impact of Spartacus' uprising on Rome?
- What was the contribution of Pompey the Great to Roman History?
- What was the impact of the Battle of Carrhae (53BC) on Rome?
- How did Rome benefit from the destruction of Carthage in 146 BC?
- How Did the Romans Conquer the Etruscans
- What Was the Importance of the Appian Way during the Roman Republic
Julius Caesar
- How did Julius Caesar rise to power?
- How did Caesar's conquest of Gaul change both Rome and Gaul?
- What made Julius Caesar a great general?
- Why was Julius Caesar assassinated?
- What were the consequences of Caesar's assassination?
Early Roman Empire
- What was the impact of Augustus' victory over Mark Anthony and Cleopatra on Rome?
- What was the impact of the Emperor Tiberius on the Roman Empire?
- What was the impact of the Emperor Nero on the Roman Empire?
- How Did Cleopatra Die?
- Who was the first pope?
The Roman Empire
- Was Claudius an effective Roman Emperor?
- What was the impact of Attila the Hun on the Roman Empire?
- How Was the Lighthouse of Alexandria Destroyed?
- What Were the Earliest Christian Communities like?
- What was the impact of the Emperor Domitian on the Roman Empire?
- What were the consequences of the reign of the Emperor Hadrian?
- What was the role of the Praetorian Guard in Roman History?
The Decline of Rome
- How Was Alaric Able to Sack Rome in AD 410?
- What Role Did Inflation Play in the Collapse of the Roman Empire
The Long Term Impact of Rome
- How has ancient Rome influenced European law?
- What are the Lasting Legacies of the Roman Empire on Modern Governments?
- Why was St. Augustine so important in Christian History?
- How has the Roman Lex Mercatoria evolved to play a role in modern International Trade and Commerce Codification?