Category:United States History
This category has the following 20 subcategories, out of 20 total.
Pages in category "United States History"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 331 total.
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- A Consumers’ Republic - Book Review
- A War of Frontier and Empire: The Philippine-American War, 1899-1902 - Book Review
- Interview:African American Soldiers During the Civil War: Interview with Author Bob Luke
- African American Women's History Top Ten Booklist
- American Civil War Biographies Top Ten Booklist
- American Girls in Red Russia: Interview with Julia Mickenberg
- American Legal History Top Ten Booklist
- American Revolution Top Ten Booklist
- American Slavery, American Freedom - Book Review
- American Surveillance: Interview with Anthony Gregory
- Angels of the Underground: Interview with Theresa Kaminski
- Hiroshima: Why America Dropped the Atomic Bomb - Book Review
- Hodges' Scout: Interview with Len Travers
- Hollywood and Communism: How Did ''The Treasure of the Sierra Madre'' Support Marxist Ideology
- How accurate is the movie J. Edgar
- How did "Stonewall" Jackson die
- How did Alaska become a State
- How did American Filibusterers try to acquire territory for the United States in Latin America
- How did American football develop
- How Did Art Propagate Slavery in 19th Century America
- How Did Black Friday Develop
- How did Charles Mahan's "The Influence of Sea Power" shape American Foreign Policy
- How did Edwin Drake create the World's first oil well
- How did eugenics develop and why did it persist into the late 20th Century
- How did Europe pay off their debts to the United States after World War I
- How did Father's Day develop
- How did Florida become a State
- How Did God Influence the Wounded in the American Civil War
- How did Great Britain win the French Indian War (Seven Years War)
- How did Hawaii become a US State
- How did higher education develop in the United States
- How did hot dogs develop into a popular food
- How did illegal abortions spur the push for medical licensing in the 19th Century
- How did Memorial Day develop?
- How did Mother's Day develop
- How did Oklahoma become a State
- How did Oregon pass Medical Licensing Laws in the 19th Century
- How did Richard Nixon normalize diplomatic relations with China in 1972
- How Did Slavery Develop
- How Did Southern Belles Help Dispel Their Own Stereotype
- How Did St. Clair’s Defeat Happen
- How did the 'Malaise' Period of Struggle in the 1970s Occur in the United States
- How Did the 1889 1890 Flu Pandemic Affect History
- How did the Allies try war criminals in Germany and Japan after World War II
- How Did the Battle of Culloden Change British and American History
- How Did the Battle of South Mountain Alter the Course of the American Civil War
- How did the Burlingame-Seward Treaty of 1868 change the relationship between China and the United States
- How did the Carter Administration react to the Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan in 1978
- How did the Citizen Genet Affair derail relations between the United States and France
- How did the Civil Rights Movement Begin
- How did the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu change the diplomatic approach of the United States to Vietnam
- How Did the Great Depression and the Vietnam War Help Shape the Hollywood Western?
- How did the Great Depression change American Foreign Policy
- How did the hamburger develop into a popular food
- How did the Kennedy Administration avoid war with the Soviet Union during the Cuban Missile Crisis
- How did the Kennedy Administration respond to the Laos Crisis between 1960-1963
- How Did the Know Nothings Impact the Second American Political Party System
- How did the marathon emerge
- How did the Napoleonic Wars in Europe cause the War of 1812
- How did the North prevent the Diplomatic Recognition of the South during the Civil War
- How Did the Nullification Crisis of 1832-1833 Impact American History
- How did the Reagan Administration react to the Falklands War
- How did the Second Great Awakening change the United States
- How did the Spanish American War of 1898 turn the United States into a Pacific Power
- How did the telegraph change American Diplomacy in the 19th Century
- How did the Treaty of Paris of 1783 end the American Revolution
- How did the United States acquire Florida
- How did the United States and Great Britain eliminate their dueling navies on the Great Lakes and establish their borders in 1818
- How did the United States and USSR react to the Francis Gary Powers U2 incident
- How did the United States end the Vietnam War
- How did the United States Escalate the Vietnam War
- How did the United States open Japan to trade in 1853
- How did the United States react to France's takeover of Mexico during the Civil War
- How did the United States react to the 1967 Arab-Israeli War
- How did the United States react to the Arab-Israeli War of 1973
- How did the United States react to the Chinese Revolution of 1949
- How did the United States react to the decolonization of Africa between 1945-1960
- How did the United States react to the French Revolution
- How did the United States react to the Indo-Pakistan War of 1965
- How did the United States react to the Suez Crisis in 1956
- How did the United States Reconstruct Japan after World War II
- How did the United States resolve its dispute with Great Britain over the Oregon Territory
- How did the United States respond to the creation of Bangladesh in 1971
- How did the United States respond to the Taiwan Straits Crises in the 1950s
- How did the World React to the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in 1978 according to the CIA
- How did the XYZ Affair lead to the Quasi-War between France and the United States
- How did Theodore Roosevelt help resolve the Russo-Japanese War with the Treaty of Portsmouth
- How Did Thomas Francis Meagher Really Die
- How Did Trade Tariffs Develop
- How did Yellow Journalism lead to the Spanish-American War
- How do you study the history of espionage
- How has our understanding of Democracy changed
- How have Historians' perceptions of Native Americans changed
- How have immigration and citizenship changed in the U.S.
- How have the relations between the United States of America and Russia changed since 1776
- How historically accurate is the movie 'The Revenant'
- How historically accurate is the movie 'Tora, Tora, Tora'
- How Historically Accurate is the movie Gangs of New York
- How historically accurate is the movie The Longest Day
- How the Irish Became White - Book Review
- How was the United Nations formed after World War Two
- Interview:Pigs, Parks, and Power in the Antebellum City: Interview with Catherine McNeur
- Playing Indian by Philip Deloria
- Political Parties and American Political Development from the Age of Jackson to the Age of Lincoln - Book Review
- Popular Culture in the Age of White Flight - Book Review
- Pox Americana by Elizabeth Fenn - Book Review
- Presidential Leadership Top Ten Booklist
- Privateering during the War of 1812: Interview with Faye M. Kert
- Public Health and the Risk Factor by William Rothstein
- The Abraham Lincoln Brigade: the Historiography of the American soldiers in the Spanish American War
- The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798: Interview with Terri Halperin
- The American Political Tradition - Book Review
- The Assassin's Accomplice by Kate Clifford Larson - Book Review
- The Best Historians and Books According to James McPherson
- The Cold War, Sexuality, and American Medicine: Interview with Carolyn Herbst Lewis
- The Conspiracy of Free Trade: Interview with Marc-William Palen
- The Hays Code, Gangsters, and Prohibition: How did 1934 change Hollywood
- Interview:The History of Music Piracy: Interview with Alex Sayf Cummings
- The Middle Ground: Indians, Empires, and Republics in the Great Lakes Region, 1650-1815 - Book Review
- The Mysterious Illness of Jim Bowie: How Did He Contribute to His Own Decline
- The Myth of the Lost Cause and Civil War History - Book Review
- The Opening to China Part II: the Second Opium War, the United States, and the Treaty of Tianjin, 1857–1859
- The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson - Book Review
- The Other Founders by Saul Cornell - Book Review
- The Power of the Zoot - Book Review
- The Rabbi's Atheist Daughter: Interview with Bonnie S. Anderson
- The Radicalism of the American Revolution - Book Review
- The Red River War, 1874-1875: What Were the Events that Led to the Uprising
- The Vietnam Wars 1945-1990 - Book Review
- The Visible Saints - Book Review
- This Republic of Suffering - Book Review
- Thomas Jefferson, the Founding Fathers and Christianity: Interview with Sam Haselby
- Top Ten Books on Los Angeles History
- Top Ten Books on the Bubonic Plague
- Top Ten Books on the History of Reconstruction
- Top Ten History of Voting Rights Booklist
- Was Joel Poinsett an Agent of Empire and a Patron of Science
- Was Moby Dick based on real historical events
- Was the Constitution Pro-Slavery
- Was the Destruction Perpetrated by Lincoln, Grant, and Sherman Necessary to End the Civil War
- Were Members of the Underground Railroad Criminals
- What are the "Six Flags" that have Flown over Texas
- What are the Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary
- What are the origins of Labor Day
- What are the Origins of the Abolitionist Movement
- What caused Bacon's Rebellion
- What Caused The Economic Panic Of 1837
- What caused the War of 1812
- What convinced Americans during the 1918 Flu Pandemic to wear masks
- What Did Black Politicians Accomplish during the Reconstruction Era
- What did Commodore Robert W. Shufeldt accomplish during his worldwide trip between 1878-1880
- What did the China Ambassadorial talks of 1955 accomplish
- What did the Open Door policy with China Accomplish
- What Events Led to the Vietnam War - From Partition to the Viet Cong
- What happened at the "Big Three" conferences between the Allies during World War II
- What is the History of Civil Rights Legislation in the United States
- What is the history of contested presidential elections in the United States
- What is the history of government shutdowns in the United States
- What Is the History of Ice Cream
- What is the history of impeachment in the United States
- What is the History of Mass Protests in the United States
- What is the history of presidential transitions in the United States
- What is the History of Public Debt