Category:Diplomatic History
Pages in category "Diplomatic History"
The following 116 pages are in this category, out of 116 total.
- How did American Filibusterers try to acquire territory for the United States in Latin America
- How did Charles Mahan's "The Influence of Sea Power" shape American Foreign Policy
- How did Europe pay off their debts to the United States after World War I
- How did Richard Nixon normalize diplomatic relations with China in 1972
- How Did Spy Services Develop in France
- How Did Spy Services Develop in Russia
- How did the Allies try war criminals in Germany and Japan after World War II
- How did the Burlingame-Seward Treaty of 1868 change the relationship between China and the United States
- How did the Citizen Genet Affair derail relations between the United States and France
- How did the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu change the diplomatic approach of the United States to Vietnam
- How did the Great Depression change American Foreign Policy
- How did the Kennedy Administration avoid war with the Soviet Union during the Cuban Missile Crisis
- How did the Kennedy Administration respond to the Laos Crisis between 1960-1963
- How did the Napoleonic Wars in Europe cause the War of 1812
- How did the North prevent the Diplomatic Recognition of the South during the Civil War
- How did the Reagan Administration react to the Falklands War
- How did the Spanish American War of 1898 turn the United States into a Pacific Power
- How did the telegraph change American Diplomacy in the 19th Century
- How did the United States acquire Florida
- How did the United States and Great Britain eliminate their dueling navies on the Great Lakes and establish their borders in 1818
- How did the United States and USSR react to the Francis Gary Powers U2 incident
- How did the United States end the Vietnam War
- How did the United States open Japan to trade in 1853
- How did the United States react to France's takeover of Mexico during the Civil War
- How did the United States react to the 1967 Arab-Israeli War
- How did the United States react to the Arab-Israeli War of 1973
- How did the United States react to the Chinese Revolution of 1949
- How did the United States react to the decolonization of Africa between 1945-1960
- How did the United States react to the Indo-Pakistan War of 1965
- How did the United States react to the Suez Crisis in 1956
- How did the United States Reconstruct Japan after World War II
- How did the United States resolve its dispute with Great Britain over the Oregon Territory
- How did the United States respond to the creation of Bangladesh in 1971
- How did the United States respond to the Taiwan Straits Crises in the 1950s
- How did the World React to the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in 1978 according to the CIA
- How did the XYZ Affair lead to the Quasi-War between France and the United States
- How did Theodore Roosevelt help resolve the Russo-Japanese War with the Treaty of Portsmouth
- How did Yellow Journalism lead to the Spanish-American War
- How do you study the history of espionage
- How was the United Nations formed after World War Two
- Was Joel Poinsett an Agent of Empire and a Patron of Science
- What are the Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary
- What caused the War of 1812
- What did Commodore Robert W. Shufeldt accomplish during his worldwide trip between 1878-1880
- What did the China Ambassadorial talks of 1955 accomplish
- What did the Open Door policy with China Accomplish
- What happened at the "Big Three" conferences between the Allies during World War II
- What was Atomic Diplomacy
- What was Lend-Lease and how did it provide Aid to US Allies at the start of World War II
- What was the 1930 London Naval Conference and was it so important
- What was the East German Uprising in 1953 and how did the United States react to it
- What was the Eisenhower Doctrine of 1957
- What was the Geneva Naval Conference of 1927
- What was the purpose of the Committee of Secret Correspondence during the American Revolution
- What was the Red Line Agreement that carved up the Ottoman Empire's oil resources after World War I
- What was the Trent Affair and why did it disrupt relations between the United States and Britain during the Civil War
- What was the United States role in founding Liberia
- What was the Venezuela Boundary Dispute
- What were the diplomatic consequences of the US victory in the Civil War
- What were the events that led to the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo of 1848
- What were the International Consequences of the Union Victory in 1865
- What were the Neutrality Acts and why did the Roosevelt Administration favor them
- When was the controversial Export-Import Bank Created
- When was the Southeast Asian Trade Organization (SEATO) created
- When were Spy Services created in the United States
- When were Spy Services in England Created?
- Who was the first American diplomat to meet with Lenin
- Why did Apartheid end in South Africa in the 1990s
- Why did Daniel Webster negotiate the Webster-Ashburton Treaty with Britain
- Why did diplomatic relations between the United States and Japan worsen at the beginning of the 20th Century
- Why did Five Arab states attack Israel after its creation in 1948
- Why did France sell the Louisiana Purchase to the United States
- Why did Indian Removal cause the Trail of Tears
- Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor in 1941
- Why did the Allies struggle to resolve any meaningful issues at the Potsdam Conference in 1945
- Why did the American public favor isolationism during the Great Depression of the 1930s
- Why did the Angola Civil War of 1974-75 turn into a Cold War battleground
- Why did the Carter Administration establish official diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China in 1979
- Why did the Congress of Vienna fail to stop future European wars
- Why did the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 which outlawed war fail
- Why did the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations increase Foreign Aid
- Why did the Mukden Incident lead to the creation of the Stimson Doctrine in 1932 by the United States
- Why did the Philippine American War of 1899-1902 start
- Why did the Qing Dynasty Collapse in 1911
- Why did the Republican administrations during the interwar period support high tariffs on international trade
- Why did the Soviet Union build the Berlin Wall
- Why did the Soviet Union create the Warsaw Pact in 1955
- Why did the Soviet Union invade Czechoslovakia in 1968
- Why did the Tet Offensive (1968) weaken American support for the Vietnam War
- Why did the Treaty of Wangxia negotiated with the United States ultimately alienate China
- Why did the United States ally with the Soviet Union during World War II
- Why did the United States blockade the Confederacy during the Civil War
- Why did the United States buy the Gadsden Purchase in 1854
- Why did the United States Continental Congress approve The Model Treaty of 1776
- Why did the United States declare war on Germany during World War I in 1917
- Why did the United States diplomatically recognize the Soviet Union in 1933
- Why did the United States escalate its involvement in the Vietnam War in 1964
- Why did the United States establish a strong maritime presence in the Pacific during the 19th Century
- Why did the United States free the African captives on the Spanish schooner Amistad
- Why did the United States Gain the Upper Hand Against the Soviet Union at the End of the Cold War
- Why did the United States go to war against the Barbary States in 1815
- Why did the United States invade and occupy Haiti from 1915-34
- Why did the United States pass the Chinese Exclusion Acts
- Why did the United States refuse to join the League of Nations after World War I
- Why did the United States Repeal the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1943
- Why did the United States support Mobutu Sese Seko's coup in Congo in 1960
- Why did the war between Britain and Napoleon's France led to the War of 1812?
- Why was George Washington's Farewell Address in 1796 Significant
- Why was NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) created in 1949
- Why was the Berlin Airlift of 1948-49 successful
- Why was the Jay Treaty so unpopular in the United States
- Why was the Limited Test Ban Treaty of 1963 created during the Cold War
- Why was the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) created in 1968
- Why was the United States concerned by the launch of Sputnik in 1957