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====Hugh Glass====
[[File: Revenant 1.jpeg|200px|thumb|left|A re-imaging of the grizzly bear’s attack on Glass]]The Revenant is a biography of a real-life character by the name of Hugh Glass. In the movie, he is a hunter and a frontiersman and indeed there . Hugh Glass was a historical real person by that name. Glass was probably a Scotch-Irish hunter who signed on to join the Rocky Mountain Fur Company in an expedition into Indian territory . <ref>Myers, John Myers. The saga of Hugh Glass: Pirate, Pawnee, and mountain man. (Omaha, U of Nebraska Press, 1976), p 113</ref>. As in the movie he Glass was one of the survivors of the Arikara warriors attack in 1823. He was actually wounded in this attack, which is not shown in the 2015 movie. In the motion picturemovie, after the hunter is shown traveling through the wilderness with his companions. Then Arikara attack, he accidentally stumbles stumbled across a she-bear and her cubs and he is was badly mauled and wounded terribly. This is all very accurate. After Due to the extent of Glass's injuries after the bear’s bear attack , Glass in the movie was prostrate and close to near death. His companions believe that believed he is going to die, and . They were also concerned that they do would not believe that they could be able to carry him to safety. His companions do try After an initial attempt to carry him , his companions gave up and decided to safety, but abandon him. They believed it is almost physically would be impossible, moreover, to save him and they fear feared further Indian attacks. They decide to leave him there, alone in the wilderness because they assume he will die anyway <ref>Myers, p 89</ref>. In the movie one of the characters , Tom Hardy's character literally places placed Glass into his a grave. This actually happened to the real-life Glass who was left to die after the horrific bear attack. We then see Glass performing primitive surgical treatment on his wounds. This may also have actually happened. Then we see the badly wounded hunter making a crutch and beginning the journey back to safety. In the Revenant the man is shown struggling alone, trying to get home. Di Caprio’s character is able by shear strength of will and superhuman endurance to make his way back to American territory, specifically Fort Kiowa. This was true and Glass did manage to survive apparently insurmountable odds and did survive a 200-mile trek. In a real sense we see the central character coming back from the dead and he was in a real sense a Revenant. However, the movie exaggerates the difficulties that were faced by Glass. He was abandoned by his comrades in the prairie and not in mountain county .<ref>Myers, p 78</ref>. Moreover, he was forsaken by his fellow hunters during the summer and not in the depths of winter as shown. The tortuous journey of Glass, which is so beautifully photographed in the movie, did not happen as portrayed. In the movie we see Di Caprio escaping pursuing Native American warriors by throwing himself into a river. However, there is no real evidence for this and much of the details of Glass adventures, in the motion picture are fictional. The Revenant shows Glass being helped by a Pawnee, whose family have been murdered, this is no evidence that this occurred.
====The Revenge====