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====How did Remus die?====
There are several versions of Remus' death. Livy claimed that the Gods killed him because he failed to observe the auguries and respect the signs from the divine. The Gods struck him dead for his hubris.<ref>Livy, 1, 18</ref>. Livy believed that Remus' death was that the Gods favored Rome. However, Livy may have sought to exonerate Romulus with his account of the myth because Romulus was believed to be the first ruler of Rome.
Several versions relate that Romulus murdered his brother. In most of the texts, including that of the Greek historian Dionysus, Romulus killed his brother with either a spade or a spear. There is even one account from the great Christian theologian St Jerome that Remus was murdered by one of the supporters of Romulus. Regardless of the circumstances of Remus' death, almost all of the accounts attribute his death in one way or another to Romulus.
Interestingly all the sources indicate that Romulus was at least partly responsible for the death of his twin but that it was fated by the divine . <ref>Wiseman, Timothy Peter. Remus: a Roman myth. (Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 112</ref>. The day of the act of fratricide is widely considered to be the date of the foundation of Rome, the 21st of April, 753 BC.
====After the death of Remus====